

  1. Employee Engagement and Retention

  2. Diversity, equity, and inclusion

  3. Remote and flexible working

My 30+ year executive leadership experience, along with my ICF ACC certification, indicates that there is one other, critical factor facing executives that supersedes the above list: Time Management. Leaders and executives are squeezed for time every moment of the day. Investing in Professional Coaching sessions gives you the time to MANAGE and discover results and outcomes in a more effective and efficient manner – ultimately saving time. 

When looking at the possible RESULTS and outcomes from a Professional Coaching relationship, let’s examine some potential insights and goal objectives based on above key issues: 

  • Manage up, across and down your organization, tapping into resources and individuals to help better manage your time. 

  • Discover ways to provide career advancement for your teams.

  • Build engagement and retention plans that result in higher productivity / lower expenses for your company.

  • Increase salary for yourself with a new position or job.

  • Develop new ways to address equality and inclusion in your recruiting practices.

  • Achieve work-life balance goals through clear remote and flexible work policies.

By investing your time in Professional Coaching sessions, your coach and you focus solely on your needs and goals. During the sessions, your coach provides you with undivided attention, active listening, and personalized feedback. This personal focus RESULTS in you gaining new insights and perspectives, identifying areas for improvement, and developing an action plan to achieve your goals.

Additionally, professional coaching sessions typically take place on a regular basis, this allows for continuity and consistency in the coaching process which is important for you to see progress and to hold yourself accountable.

Moreover, a professional coaching session can be seen as an investment in one’s self development and personal/professional growth, which can ultimately lead to a better quality of life, improved performance, and greater fulfillment.

At the end of a coaching session – and the result of the time investment + thinking coaching session - focused outcomes, next steps and accountability measures are developed and aligned. 

