Master Your Inner Voice

We all have that inner voice—the one that whispers doubts, fears, and insecurities. It’s normal, but it doesn’t have to control you. As Dr. Shirzad Chamine, Founder and CEO, Positive Intelligence, puts it: "How do you turn this negative thought into a gift or opportunity?" Understanding the root of these negative thoughts, known as Saboteurs, is the first step to managing them. These are the internal critics that thrive on self-doubt and fear, often holding us back from reaching our full potential.

Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal, Founder of the Resilience Leadership Institute, emphasizes the importance of resilience in facing negative self-talk challenges: "Resilience is the ability to effectively address challenge, change, and complexity in a manner that allows us to be enhanced by the experience, not diminished." By questioning the validity of our negative self-talk—like asking, "What do I know about that thought to be true?"—we can start to shift our mindset. This practice of resilience isn’t just about enduring tough times but about growing stronger through them.

On my favorite podcast, Think Fast, Talk Smart, Jenny Taitz, clinical Psychologist and UCLA professor offered this powerful reminder about the conversations we have with ourselves: "We would hate friends that spoke to us this way, but we’re doing this to ourselves all the time."  This question really landed with me! 

Let’s challenge those negative voices and replace them with thoughts that empower us. Next time you find yourself in a spiral of doubt, ask, "What if it works out better than I imagined?" and see how your perspective shifts.


Leadership Joy: The Power of Emotional Intelligence and Self-Awareness


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