The Initiative Skill

In today’s fast-paced world, success requires more than simply fulfilling job responsibilities. It takes initiative—the ability to look beyond your role, seek out opportunities, and take action that benefits the broader team or organization. Whether it’s identifying solutions in the “white space” or stepping up to contribute beyond your defined responsibilities, taking initiative sets exceptional leaders apart. As Robert Kelley, Professor, Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business says, “Stars proactively look for and seize opportunities to go the extra mile.”

Developing initiative often involves balancing day-to-day demands while looking for ways to make a bigger impact. It requires foresight, risk management, and the perseverance to see a project through to completion. By cultivating this skill, leaders not only drive results but also create positive ripple effects throughout their teams.

Taking initiative is about choosing meaningful actions that create lasting impact. Executive Leadership Coaching can help you learn to effectively harness this critical skill, transforming both your role and your organization’s success.


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