The Hogan Leadership Assessment Advantage

Have you explored the depths of your leadership style? I'm excited to share that, as part of my commitment to continuous learning, I am now Hogan certified, integrating this valuable tool into my Leadership coaching toolkit.

The Hogan Leadership Assessment goes beyond the surface, offering insights into your Personality Inventory, Development Strategies, and core Values, Motives, and Preferences. Used by over 11 million people world-wide, what sets Hogan apart is its ability to provide a crystal-clear understanding of your strengths, potential derailers, and fundamental values, all crucial aspects of effective leadership.

As your certified Hogan interpreter, my goal is to guide you through the intricate intersection of your strengths and potential challenges. Together, we'll delve into the nuances of your Leadership Development plans, unveiling new opportunities for growth and action. Learn + Grow with Hogan today!


2024: New You!


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