Safety Solutions
Challenge: Carrie, an 18-year, highly regarded leader, was confronted with stagnant business results and inconsistent performance from her direct reports. To turn the situation around, she set out to enhance her team's results, articulate a clear strategic vision, and instill a higher level of confidence with executive leaders. Carrie refocused on her core values of "winning" and building strong relationships. She conducted a thorough assessment of her team to identify key players who were fully aligned with organization and team goals, enabling her to delegate more effectively and concentrate on strategic initiatives.
Outcome: Through her focused efforts, Carrie successfully elevated her team’s performance and became more decisive in her leadership actions. She transitioned from seeking guidance from executive leaders to proactively presenting her ideas and strategic plans, which significantly bolstered her executive presence. By establishing strong goal setting and communication frameworks for her team and herself, Carrie not only gained the confidence of her peers and superiors but also positioned herself as a visionary leader. As a result of her enhanced leadership presence, customer-centric focus, and strategic foresight, Carrie was promoted to a Vice President role, where she continues to drive her team's success and future business growth.